Coaching Centre
Over 2.5 crore job aspirants annually appear for competitive exams. They dream of securing a respectable and safe job offering, financial stability for the future. Yet, only a handful of these aspirants are fortunate enough to access and afford the best learning practices and coaching to clear the exam. The remaining struggle at every level of exam preparation.
Dream Merchants
In today’s technology savvy world, Coaching Centres need to provide their students a competitive edge – a smart online test delivery platform. While coaching centres can provide educational and learning support, their test providing ability is limited to the content that they create or have accumulated till date. supports Coaching Centres in their coaching by providing a technology platform with a large bank of quality questions on the different subjects and topics in the examination curriculum.
The Digital Ecosystem coaching centre module provides Coaching Centres the ability to recognise individual students’ learning curve and capability through the analytics tools provided in the module. This understanding gives coaching centres the edge in providing the right kind of mentoring or coaching in the subjects that need improvement, positively impacting the students’ chances of securing a government job, and a higher success rate for the coaching centre.